Apostille Embassy & Consulate Authorization

South Beach Apostille Translation And Notary 02

Apostille Embassy & Consulate Authorization in Miami Beach, FL

In 1969, The Hague convention established how countries conduct business with each other. From this convention, we get notaries, consulates, apostilles, notary certificates, and the legalization of documents. Our team specializes in obtaining any and all Hauge convention requirements for your documents. We can obtain Apostilles from other countries or apostille and notary certificates for documents that are executed in the USA and going to any other country. Additionally, we offer legalization and preparation at government consulates in Miami, FL, and all other states within the United States of America. This includes obtaining all supporting documentation for legalization requirements for consulates which can vary greatly. Our team will go to the consulate for you and obtain the legalization stickers from that consulate for your documents.

Efficiency & Efficacy With South Beach Apostille Translation and Notary
We have the fastest turnaround time for Florida apostilles. Our agents in Tallahassee, FL will walk your document into the State Department for instant processing of your apostille. Otherwise, the State Department of Florida has 2 to 4 week processing times. While the typical processing time takes 2-4 weeks, we get it done in 4 to 5 days. Give us a call today!

Notary Services 1

Contact Our Notaries Today!

Based in South Beach and Downtown Miami, FL, we provided services both nationally and internationally with professional agents all over the globe.
